Proprietary Rights
All material on this site, including all information, pictures, graphics, interfaces, and text contained on this site, as well as the organization and layout of the site, are the property of Wild Wind Equine and are protected by copyright laws. No material from this site may be reproduced, published, translated, distributed, or displayed without written permission from an officer of Wild Wind Equine. Under no circumstances should anyone claim any of the site's content as one's own work.
All trademarks, service marks, and trade names are proprietary to Wild Wind Equine and other respective owners that have granted Wild Wind Equine the right and license to use such marks.
Changes to the Site
Wild Wind Equine and its suppliers may make improvements or changes in the information, services, products, and other material on this site, or terminate this site, at anytime without notice. Wild Wind Equine may modify this agreement at any time, and such modifications shall be effective immediately upon posting of the modified agreement. Accordingly, the user agrees to review the agreement periodically, and the users continued access of use of this site shall be deemed the user's acceptance of the modified agreement.
Terms of Use
Please read this agreement carefully before using the wildwindequine.com site. The information and services on this site are provided by Wild Wind Equine, its suppliers, and its partners, subject to the user's agreement to the terms and conditions below. By using this site, the user agrees to be bound by this agreement. If the user does not agree to these terms, the user should not use this site.
Use of Information and Service
The information provided on the site is intended only as a reference. Wild Wind Equine does not certify or endorse any companies listed on the site. Wild Wind Equine assumes no responsibility for any consequence resulting from any action or inaction users take based on the information, services or other material on this site. While Wild Wind Equine strives to keep the information on this site accurate, complete, and up-to-date, Wild Wind Equine and its suppliers cannot guarantee, and will not be responsible for any damage or loss related to, the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information.
User contributions
Users may not post or transmit material that is libelous, defamatory, obscene, fraudulent, harmful, threatening, abusive or hateful, that violates the property rights of others, that violates the privacy or publicity right of others, or that is in violation of applicable laws. In addition, users may not interfere with other users' use and enjoyment of this site. Wild Wind Equine reserves the right to refuse site access to anyone that violates this agreement.
When a user posts material, the user represents that such material is unique to the user or used with permission of the copyright holder. Wild Wind Equine is not responsible for the accuracy of postings on this site and the user should always check with the provider or other partner before relying on any information on this site. Wild Wind Equine reserves the right to edit or delete submitted information without cause.
By submitting material to Wild Wind Equine, the user automatically grants Wild Wind Equine the royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive and fully sublicensable right to use, reproduce, modify, publish, translate, distribute, and display such materials worldwide. Wild Wind Equine may incorporate such materials in any form it chooses.
Links to other sites
This site includes links to other Internet sites as a convenience for our users. Wild Wind Equine does not endorse these sites or guarantee the information on the sites, which are administered by others, and Wild Wind Equine does not assume responsibility or liability for any materials or information available at linked sites.
Limitation of Liability
Wild Wind Equine is in no way liable for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the information on this web site. In addition, Wild Wind Equine is not liable for any decision or action taken or not taken relying upon information on this web site, nor is Wild Wind Equine liable for any loss or injury of any kind resulting from decisions or actions taken relying upon information provided by this website.
In no event shall Wild Wind Equine or its suppliers be liable for any direct, indirect, special, punitive, incidental, exemplary or consequential damages, or any damages whatsoever, even if Wild Wind Equine has been previously advised of the possibility of such damages, whether in an action under contract, negligence, or any other theory, arising out of or in connection with the use, inability to use, or performance of the information, services, products, and materials available from this site. Wild Wind Equine assumes no liability with respect to goods or services purchased through this site.
The user agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Wild Wind Equine, its affiliates and suppliers from any liability, claim and expense related to the user's violation of this agreement and user's posting of material to this site. Wild Wind Equine is not responsible or liable for the accuracy or reliability of any information or advice on this site.